Approach to learning
Children are always learning, observing, and growing through their daily interactions with caregivers and other children. I believe that the caregiver's role is to provide children with opportunities to practice social, interpersonal, and academic skills through play and guided activities, as well as giving them freedom to explore, problem solve, and create in a safe and age appropriate environment.
Areas of Focus
Emotional & Social Development
Trust & Emotional Security, Self-Awareness, Self-Control, Relationships
Physical & Movement
Large & Small Muscle, Health & Well-Being
Language, Literacy, & Communication
Listening & Understanding, Communicating & Speaking, 1st Steps in Reading and Writing
Math & Science
Problem Solving, Using Math and Logic, Understanding Relationships
Creativity & the Arts
Creating, Responding, Evaluating
Preschool Curriculum
Circle time gives children an opportunity to practice many of the skills from the areas of focus listed above. It provides a predictable structure in which children feel comfortable trying new skills, and a starting point for both guided activities and play opportunities that follow.
Age appropriate academic skills such as shapes, colors, letters and numbers
Curriculum used is based on the ages and abilities of children enrolled in care and may include components from Creative Curriculum, Mother Goose Time, or other thematic units created by the provider
Activities and Enrichment
Children participate in a variety of activities during the week, including art and crafts, outdoor play, music class with a music therapist, Spanish, and sensory activities.
¡Hablamos Español!
Green Baby is a bilingual childcare environment. We incorporate the Spanish language into our daily routines through
-reading children's books in both languages
-listening to & singing children's songs
-naming objects, colors, shapes, etc. in Spanish during play and during preschool time
-natural incorporation of phrases/words when speaking to children throughout the day
Research has shown that acquiring a second language greatly impacts the brain development of children and provides benefits in areas including complex problem solving skills, attention span, and creativity.
For parents interested in learning more about language (and 2nd language) acquisition and development in young children, the following resources provide additional information: